Hi, I'm Richard Huf.

UI Developer, interested in Design Systems, CSS, React, Accessibility, and the web.

Accessible touch target sizes and inline links

Making interactive elements like buttons or links that are large enough to click with a mouse or tap on a touch device is important. But links that appear in the flow of text are pose an interesting challenge.

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Create AI generated images with Midjourney

I've been experimenting with Midjourney, an AI text-to-image program that takes prompts and generates artwork. It's... pretty amazing.


Learning Typescript fundamentals... with cats 🐱

Learning some Typescript fundamentals, with cats. 🐱


Vue Dynamic Directive Arguments

This demo shows how to dynamically assign a DOM event to an element in Vue, using Dynamic Directive Arguments to conditionally bind an event to an element.


Understanding Javascript's Boolean object constructor

I came across an interesting behaviour recently when working with the Boolean global object constructor in Javascript. It took me a bit of reading to understand why my code wasn't behaving the way I expected, so I thought it was worth delving a bit deeper.

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How to create a Todo list app with React

I've spent some time recently learning React. I've been working with Vue primarily for a couple of years, so it'll be interesting to see how the two frameworks compare. Everyone always praises Vue for it's shallow learning curve, and so far React has proved to be harder to learn. But I can also see that once you get past a certain level of familiarity, React would be a lot of fun to work with.

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On learning

It's worth touching on how to go about learning something new, (lately I've been learning React). Everyone has their own unique learning style. When I was starting out my career, I think I was super eager, and just wanted to jump into things and start building something. It can be enticing to just start coding; you want to see something tangible as a result of your learning efforts as quickly as possible.


Using Node Version Manager and .nvmrc to automatically switch Node versions per project

This is how I use Node Version Manager to run multiple versions of Node locally, and use .nvmrc file to automatically detect and switch to the correct version per project on the command line.

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Fun with ES6 Classes, inheritance, and Vue JS

Here's a codepen experiment using Javascript's ES6 Classes

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JS Calculator with ES6 and Babel

I built this JS calculator as an excuse to experiment with vanilla Javascript, and use some of the new ES6 syntax.


Media List PHP App

I recently developed a PHP application designed to query IMDB, get movie information and save a list of your DVD and Blu-ray collection to a database. This was just a personal project to test out some new technologies. It uses the OMDB API, MySQL and PDO for database connection and is hosted on Heroku. Also has the ability for users to create their own accounts. Written from scratch.


Offline API docs at your fingertips with Dash and Alfred

I recently came across Dash, a Mac app that let's you download over 150 API documentation sets.


Highlights from DrupalSouth 2015

As the 2 day conference that brings together Drupal community members from around Australia and the southern hemisphere comes to a close, I thought I’d look back at some of the best parts of the conference. I'll break this post into two parts, as it's taking me some time to write.


How and why I built my blog from scratch

I've recently rebuilt my blog from the ground up. I did this as an excuse to get better at PHP, and have some fun with some technologies I've been meaning to have a play with.
